3 Income Streams for Bakers

 I’ve learned that baking cakes can bring in money a lot of different ways, through:

1) Online Tutorials /Selling Recipes

This does not require much money to start.
You just have to make use of your knowledge base.  Ask your audience what tutorials /recipes they would like to learn from you. You don't even need to make it complicated - you can host your classes all on Facebook /Whatsapp or document them into ebooks, audio/video courses.  Fibibakes is amazing example of this.

2) Blogging :
Where do you go looking for free content ? Your guess is as good as mine  : Goggle of course. Blogging is super time consuming and requires time and dedication but is  profitable. A blog doesn't magically make money on its own. you can use WordPress to create your blog site which lets anyone opt into sharing ads on their blog, with google AdSense. If you are good at content creation, then you should consider this.

3) Private Cake Lessons :
This is a very good revenue stream of income and  also an amazing way to connect with fellow bakers. You also get a chance to demonstrate different techniques that people want to learn.

N:B Affiliate links are another way I make money.  You get a referral fee for every baking product you sell.

I am currently working on a free affiliate marketing program for my bake Fam. I would fill you guys in on it very soon.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section.

Check out How to Make The Gabs Oil Vanilla Cake


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