Tips on How to Bake Even Cake Layers
Good day Fam!
It's CAKE'EduMonday🤸🤸🤸.
For those who are new to the tribe, every Monday we share exceptional baking nugget, tidbit and guide to help you bake better.
I’ve been asked multiple times, “How do I get my cake layers to bake up even and level?”. Well there are multiple ways you can go about this and today I want to share my best tips and tricks on how to bake even cake layers.
To bake even cake layers, you have to
1) first make sure you’ve got an even amount of cake batter in each pan. There are several ways to do that : You can eye-ball it (which honestly is what I do most of the time). This is not really precise, but if you’re good at eye-balling stuff, then go for it. Me?…I’m not so good with eye-balling, but I do it anyway.
The other options are to measure it out evenly between pans, or to weigh out your batter using a scale.
2) You’ll want to make sure to smooth the top of the cake batter once you’ve added it to your pans.
Now a very liquidy batter like our Gabs Oil Chocolate cake will probably be okay, but if your batter is on the thick side, then you’ll want to go ahead and get it as smooth and even as you can on the top. You might as well help it as much as you can to bake even.
3) Tap the pans on the counter/floor.
Once you add the batter to your pans, then just tap them on your counter a few times to get any of the air bubbles out that may be trapped in the cake batter.
4) Baking at a low temperature.
Sometimes when you bake the cake lower and slower, it rises a bit less and has a lesser chance of getting a dome on top. A lot of my recipes call for the temperature to be 325 instead of 350 and I really think It helps a lot.
5) Make sure your oven is level.
You want to ensure the racks inside your oven is properly leveled.
Follow all the steps above and your cake layers will come out even. That means one layer won’t be much thicker than the other one, or lopsided. And IF they have a small dome on top…no worries, just slice that off and enjoy it with milk😋
Go bake the world into a better place!
If you have other handy tips on how to bake even cake layers, please share in the comment section.
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